Silver Fitzroya Wood Necklace
Pilar Naranjo Fonseca. Silver Fitzroya. Wood Necklace. Valparaiso, Chile.
Since 2010, Pilar has been constantly dedicated to creating pieces of jewelry. She has experimented with a variety of materials, including white and yellow gold, silver, copper, fine woods, threads, horsehair, etc. She has become strongly interested in contemporary jewelry which invites us to experiment with different materials with the understanding of jewelry as an object that reflects and communicates our contexts. Since she has been dedicated to this trade, she has participated in spaces where the current jewelry scenes in Chile, Latin America and the world are analyzed. She socializes and keeps relationships with other goldsmiths as well which is very enriching for her craft. Every time she has learned to work better from the design of the piece, that is, to think about the pieces as she develops it from beginning to end, from the aesthetic, the technical, and from the possibilities that this trade gives to communicate something.